“Landing Pad” for Yeshiva Graduates

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The Mission

Our goal is to facilitate a smooth post-yeshiva transition for recent yeshiva graduates into an observant community. We offer guidance from Rabbeim and community mentors. Members are encouraged to continue growing in their Torah learning while pursuing a career and establishing a family.

The Three Pillars

Torah Study

Consistent learning is at the root of our daily operation. From skill-building chavrusa sessions to Gemarah and Halachah sedarim, our program offers a variety of options to further your individual learning goals.

Career Growth

Returning home after years in yeshivah can be overwhelming. We can help you with resume building and networking. For those with an established career path, we host professional seminars that help with universally-useful skills, such as goal setting and time management.

Dating & Family

Progressing to a new chapter in life opens the door to many new questions. Our “in-house” shadchan, Rabbis and mentors will guide you throughout the shidduchim process and assist in research for prospective suggestions.

Community Life

Daily Program

Our daily program includes a Gemarah shiur followed by Shacharis. At nights we gather for the night night seder and Maariv. Our program also allows for custom learning tailored to one’s individual needs.


Shabbos with the Chaburah is the anchor of the week. Experience the beauty of Shabbos with ruach filled davening. Enjoy delicious meals with your friends at the homes of Rabbeim and fellow Chaburah families.

Special Events

There’s always something exciting on the horizon: Internationally acclaimed guest speakers, mesibos, kumitzs with our in-house talent, trips, matzah bakes and retreats.


As a young and rapidly growing community, we share many special occasions to celebrate. From simchos to siyumim, and everything in between.

Leading the Experience

  • Rabbi

    Rabbi Meir Shimon Eisenberger

    Founder & Rosh Chaburah

  • Alex

    Alex Vainer

    President, PR & Recruitment

  • Yoeli

    Yoeli Doppelt

    Treasurer, Financial Management

  • Barak

    Barak Landau

    Director of Operations, Gabbai

  • Mike

    Mike Friedson

    Director of Learning & Programming

Words That Matter

Contact Us

To apply to join the Chaburah click here.
For any other inquiries please fill out this form: